Mighty Oaks Academy Trust

Priorslee Academy is proud to be part of Mighty Oaks Academy Trust, a vibrant, forward- thinking collaborative primary phase Multi Academy Trust.

The Executive Team and School Leaders, led by our Chief Executive Officer, are driving the positive changes that are outlined in our strategic plan. Such commitment and determination, at all levels of the organisation ensures all our pupils receive the very best quality of education that gives them a very strong foundation from which to fulfil their dreams and aspirations.

Every child is important at MOAT and all colleagues work hard to ensure high quality support systems, extensive enrichment opportunities and wrap around care are key features in each of our schools. This is underpinned by the culture that Trust Leaders, Trustees and Local Academy Committees have worked hard to develop. A culture where MOAT’s common collaborative approach and purpose is clear, but the individual character and personality of our schools is maintained and celebrated.

For more information about the Trust, visit the website here.