School Meals

The academy promotes a healthy eating policy.  A hot meal is available each day and usually includes fresh fruit and salads.  There is always a vegetarian option on the menu. Water is freely available on the tables.  Dinners cost £2.50 each.

Parents must pre-order a meal through their MCAS (My Child at School) account.

Download our Menu 2022

Good eating habits learned in early life will see a child throughout their learning and into adulthood.  School meals can really help parents serve up a healthy balanced diet.

We operate a Pre-Pay system for school lunches.  Every family has a MCAS account, which is secure and private.  The account needs to be kept in credit by the parent/carer and lunches need to be booked for your child(ren) in advance online.

Dinners can be booked daily (up to 9:00am), weekly, monthly or half termly providing sufficient funds are in the account.

Parents can log on and check their balance at any time.

Should you have any problems with this please e-mail or contact the school office.

Please inform the Cook/School if your child has any special dietary requirements.


Children may bring a packed lunch from home. We ask parents to follow our packed lunch guidelines regarding healthy eating. We actively discourage the addition of chocolate, sweets and squash with packed lunches. Drinks must be in an unbreakable, leak proof container. Children must NOT bring drinks in any glass container, glass thermos flasks or push-on top plastic container, as these have caused problems with breakage and spillage causing damage to furniture and floors.  Children are asked to bring their own cutlery should they need any to eat items of their packed lunch.  Lunch boxes should be labelled with the child’s name.


Children are encouraged to bring in a piece of fruit to eat at break time.  However, free fruit is available daily to all children in KS1.  Chocolate, sweets and other snacks are not allowed in school and we ask that parents do not send in cakes and sweets as birthday or holiday treats due to allergies.

Water is freely available throughout the day from the mains water coolers and children are encouraged to bring water bottles in to school to enable them to drink throughout the day.  Free school milk is available on Tuesday and Thursday of each week.

Free School Meals

Children in Key Stage One (Year Reception, 1 and 2) are entitled to Free School Meals from the Government.

If your family is struggling financially, please see Telford and Wrekin’s website to apply for Free School Meals.   APPLY HERE.