Year 1 – Ash and Elm

Ash Class – Miss Baggott

Elm Class – Mrs Orme

Welcome to Year One!

We understand that whilst the jump from Reception to Key Stage One is an exciting move, it can feel somewhat daunting too, as some of the routines are different to Reception.

Learning in Year One

We have worked closely with the Reception team to ensure a smooth transition from the Foundation Stage Curriculum to the Key Stage One Curriculum. This has included a detailed transition meeting between previous teachers and new teachers detailing where the children currently are in their learning, what their next steps are, along with friendship groups, likes, dislikes and interests.

In September, you will notice that the Year One classrooms and timetable will very much reflect their previous classroom in Reception. The children will have many opportunities to learn through play, be creative, explore and work in small focus groups with teachers. We will only move towards more ‘formal’ learning when the children are ready

Topics and Themes

We have an exciting year ahead of us and we can’t wait to teach you a variety of topics and themes! Below are the following topics and themes that we will be covering in Year One:




White Rose Scheme: Place value, addition and subtraction, shape, length and height, mass and volume, multiplication and division, fractions, position and direction, money, time


Animals including humans, plants and everyday materials and seasonal changes

History and Geography

Where am I? (Local area – Priorslee), Around the world in 80 days and The Great Fire of London


Water and lakes (Artist: Van Gough), Landscapes and nature (Artist: Georgia O’Keefe and William Morris), Flames (Artist: Stephanie Peters)

Design and Technology

Mechanisms (sliders and levers), Cooking (preparing fruits and vegetables) and Structures (freestanding structures)


Internet and email safety, coding and computational thinking, databases and graphing and spreadsheets.


Gymnastics, fundamentals, dance, ball skills, fitness, target games, yoga, invasion, net and wall, team building, athletics and striking and fielding.


Road safety, Care and commitment, antibullying week, internet safety, eat better, changes, NSPCC (underwear rule), expect respect and choice and challenges.

Religious Education

Creation and thanksgiving, questions that puzzles us, Christians’ churches, and Sikhs’ Gurdwara


Charanga scheme: singing and composition, singing, improvisation, composition (percussion).


We follow the Little Wandle scheme where we review phase 4 words before moving on to Phase 5.  Please see our page on Phonics for more information.

Statutory Assessments

Phonics Screening Test – June 2023

For more information, please see our Phonics information page. 

Homework Expectations

In Year One, we provide the children with a 6-week homework pack for each half term. This pack will include work that we have already taught in class and is consolidation of their learning.

How you can help your child at home

Each week, the children will be provided with a fluency reading book which correlates to their level in Phonics as well as a reading for pleasure, please read as much as possible as this will help your child with their reading and writing.

At Priorslee, we deliver Maths in a mastery approach. Please see our calculation policy which will show how we deliver the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). Calculation Policy

For Phonics, it is important that the children are taught the same way as we teach in school, this includes the way a sound is pronounced. Please follow the following link which will provide you with information and videos on how the sound is taught.

Useful Links – This will assist with children’s counting, subitising as well as number bonds.