Year 3 – Birch and Maple
Maple Class – Miss Brown
Firstly, Welcome to Year Three!
We understand that the transition from Key Stage One to Key Stage Two can seem a little daunting. However, the Year Three team have been in close correspondence with the previous Year Two team to ensure a smooth transition.
This has included a detailed transition meeting between previous teachers and new teachers detailing where the children currently are in their learning and what their next steps are, along with friendship groups, likes, dislikes and interests.
Topics and Themes
We have an exciting year ahead of us and we can’t wait to teach you a variety of topics and themes! Below are the following topics and themes that we will be covering in Year Three:
English – Pathways Scheme:
- Autumn 1 – Place Value of Punctuation and Grammar by Grammarsaurus
- Autumn 2 – Non-Chronological Report and a recount letter
- Spring 1 – Big Blue Whale by Nicola Davies
- Spring 2 – Seal Surfer by Michael Foreman
- Summer 1 – Journey by Aaron Becker
- Summer 2 – Zeraffa Giraffe by Dianne Hofmeyr
Mathematics – My Mastery – Ark Curriculum: Number Sense and exploring calculation strategies, Place Value, Graphs, Addition and Subtraction, Length and perimeter, Multiplication and Division, Calculating with multiplication and Division, Time, Fractions, Angles and Shape, Measures, Applying multiplicative thinking, Exploring calculation strategies and place value
Reading – We use VIPERS to develop their skills of vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation and retrieval. This also supports their comprehension and understanding of texts.
Class Novels –
- The Nothing to See Here Hotel by Steven Butler
- Stig of the Dump by Clive King
- Charlotte’s Web by E. B. White
- Anisha Accidental Dectective by Serena Patel
- The Hodgeheg by Dick King-Smith
Science – Rocks and Soils, Animals including Humans, Light: seeing and reflecting, sun and shadows, Forces and Magnets, Plants
History and Geography – Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age (History), Settlements (Geography), Ancient Egypt (History), River Nile and River Severn (Geography), Ancient Greece (History) Modern Greece (Geography).
Art – Drawing, painting and printing, Mixed media, painting and digital, 3D sculpture and drawing
Design and Technology – Structures, Mechanical systems, Cooking and Nutrition
Computing – Internet and email safety, Spreadsheets, Coding and computational thinking, Writing and Presenting. Internet and Email, Databases and graphing, Communication and Networks,
PE (Monday and Thursday) – Quicksticks, Multi-Skills, Dodgeball, Dance, Gymnastics, Football, Netball, OAA Tennis, Kwik Cricket, Athletics
RSHE – Road and Travel Safety, Healthy Me, Relationships, Anti-Bullying, Internet Safety, Fire Safety, NSPCC Underwear Rule (PANTS), Changing Me and Expect Respect
RE – Focus religions: Christianity and Hinduism
Diwali, Leaders and followers in family life, Is life like a journey
Music – Charanga scheme: singing and composition, singing, improvisation, composition (percussion), exploring and developing playing skills by introducing scores and notation
French – Greetings, The Classroom, My body, Animals, My Family, Happy Birthday
Homework Expectations
Every Monday, children will receive weekly spellings (these will be stuck into their reading diary). There is no test of these in school but we encourage children to practise daily either by using Spelling Shed or pen and paper.
We also encourage children to read each day (and record this in their reading diary) and to practise their times tables on Times Table Rockstars (TTRS).
How you can help your child at home
Your child needs to not only confidently read, write and spell the Year 1 and Year 2 Common Exception Words, but also begin to be able to read, write and spell the Year 3 and Year 4 Statutory Words. Please practice these at home.
At Priorslee, we deliver Maths in a mastery approach. Please see our calculation policy which will show how we deliver the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division).
You can use TTRS (times table rockstars) to help your child with multiplication and division fluency.