Year 4 – Beech and Cedar
Cedar Class – Ms Hutchinson
Topics and Themes
Autumn – Romans and Explosions
- History- The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain
- Geography- Volcanoes and Earthquakes
- Science- States and Matter and Teeth and Digestion
Spring- Amazing Places
- Geography- Mountain areas in the UK and around the world
- Science- Electricity and Sound
Summer- Raiders and invaders
- History- Settlements by the Anglo Saxons and Vikings
- Science- Living Things and Habitats and Food Chains
Statutory Assessments
Multiplication Test (June)
For more information, please visit: Multiplication tables check – GOV.UK (
Key Texts and Books
Guided Reading
- Demon Headmaster
- The one and only Ivan
- Roman Diary
- How to train your dragon
- The girl who met an elephant
- The nowhere emporium
- Gorilla
- Windrush Child
- Escape from Pompei
- Leon and the place between
- When the giant stirred
- Beowulf
- Blue John
- Where the forest meets the sea
Homework Expectations
We will provide a pack which contains learning already taught in the previous term. This will consist of a front cover for details, resources and additional help sheets. These will be handed within the first few weeks of the term and due back the last week of term. – Both classes link
How you can help your child at home
- Listen to your child as often as you can.
- Read to your child (Books that may be of a higher level)
- Ask questions about what has been read (Comprehension)
- Use fiction expression to explore a variety of books
- Practise times tables to 12 x 12 (Focus on quick recall)
- Practise Year 3/4 Common Exception words (Opportunity to practise handwriting too)
Useful Links
TT Rockstars-
Spelling Shed-
Fiction Express-
Hit the Button-
3/4 Common Exception Words –